Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Hair & Scalp, Part 1

Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Hair & Scalp, Part 1

Welcome back to the Pro|Gen Active Care blog! Spring is right around the corner, which means you’ll want to make sure your hair and scalp are in top shape before summer gets here. Many of you will tackle spring cleaning chores in the next few weeks to get your home looking great for the warmer months ahead, and we at Pro|Gen think you should do the same for your hair and scalp. Here are some tips for spring cleaning your hair and scalp for fresh, summer-ready hair.

Improve Your Diet

What you eat can affect the health and appearance of your hair. Start including healthy fruits and veggies in your diet now to strengthen your hair and nourish your skin and scalp. You’ll want to eat iron-rich veggies like broccoli, spinach, kale, and other leafy greens to nourish follicles and roots for stronger, thicker hair.

Along with being an essential antioxidant, vitamin C encourages the production of collagen which supports the capillaries that strengthen hair shafts. Getting plenty of vitamin C every day can also aid in the absorption of iron. Eating fruits and veggies like blueberries, oranges, strawberries, broccoli, and sweet potatoes is an excellent way to get your daily dose of vitamin C.

Perhaps one of the most important ways you can nourish your hair from the inside out is by eating plenty of protein this spring. Hair is made of protein, so it needs to be replenished with proteins from poultry, fish, dairy, and eggs to be strong and healthy. Also, make sure to get plenty of omega-3 fatty acids from fish, avocado, and walnuts to improve cell health in your scalp to keep it moisturized.

Go Easy on Adult Beverages

Stopping for happy hour after work is a fun way to end the day, relax with your friends and coworkers, and let the stresses of a busy workday disappear. As the weather gets warmer over the next few months, those sunny days make sitting on a patio with a cold drink even more appealing. Keep in mind that consuming alcohol affects your hair in many ways. Your hair needs nutrients and hydration to be strong and healthy, and because alcohol is a diuretic, it can deplete your body of essential fluids that restore your hair. Read our recent blog post that discusses hair health and alcohol consumption to learn more about the effects of alcohol on your hair. Bottom line — we’re only human, and having drinks with friends is a common and enjoyable pastime. Just remember, moderation and hydration are key. Limit your drinks and make sure to drink plenty of water along with your adult beverage in order to stay hydrated.

Use High-Quality Hair Treatment Products

Over the next few months, you’ll want to use hair care products that can help restore the strength, luster, and soft texture to your hair before summer gets here. One of our favorite Pro|Gen product lines is our Pro|Gen Deep-Cleansing, which is the perfect way to clean your scalp, encourage healthy cell production, and hydrate the scalp. This line also fights buildup from dirt, oil, and residue which may have accumulated during the winter months. Visit Pro|Gen Active Care and shop our hair treatment products for a variety of hair types. At Pro|Gen Labs, we have designed our exceptional hair care products to be the most effective treatments for restoring health and beauty to your hair and scalp.

These are just a few ways you can begin a spring cleaning regimen for your hair, so join us next time as we continue looking at a few more tips for preparing your hair and scalp for summer.

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